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How to pronounce "xylem"

Matches found: 5 (25 ms)
Hank: Uh, the xylem.

Quiz Show - Vlogbrothers Face-Off - Hank v. John!

Duration: 3s   Details
John: Xylem in, phloem out. I was right.

Quiz Show - Vlogbrothers Face-Off - Hank v. John!

Duration: 3s   Details
Michael: The answer is D: phloem. The xylem carries water and dissolved minerals up from

Quiz Show - Vlogbrothers Face-Off - Hank v. John!

Duration: 6s   Details
that separates the xylem from the phloem, among other things, while the pith is where

Quiz Show - Vlogbrothers Face-Off - Hank v. John!

Duration: 5s   Details
The pith; B: The cambium; C: The xylem; or D: The phloem.

Quiz Show - Vlogbrothers Face-Off - Hank v. John!

Duration: 8s   Details